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    Introducing "Shukran Express"

    Get your delivery faster with our new feature, "Shukran Express".
    Use the filter to view the products that can be delivered faster to your preferred location.

    Enter your delivery area to see products that can be delivered faster.
    Add your area

    Refer your friends and earn 10% of what they shop

    Share your personal referral link with your friends. They get 10% off on their first order, and you get shopping credit. Win-win!

    How does it work?

    Spread the love

    Your personal referral link will be in your account. You can send it to your friends or share it on social media.

    Your friend gets 10% off

    All they need to do is sign up to our site and shop. Your referral link is automatically applied to their basket.

    Refer your friends and earn 10% of what they shop

    Once your friend shops, you’ll get credit added to your account 30 days after they receive their order.

    Share, save, enjoy!

    That's it, time to get your savings.
    For more on My Referrals, go to Help Centre