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This number is associated with another account. Once verified, your new number will be added to your account and removed from the other account (and linked Shukran account if any).
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Earn reward points every time you shop
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Link your account now and start earning Shukran points every time you shop across our brands online.Join the biggest and most successful loyalty program in the Middle East and earn Shukran points every time you shop across our brands.
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Enjoy Shukrans on every purchase
Use balance to shop online and in-store
Instant refund with Shukran Pay
Claim previous missed Shukrans on the app
Earn Shukrans even on our partner brands
Get exclusive offers & Coupons
Earn Shukrans on every purchase
Instant refund with Shukran Pay
Earn when you transact with Partners
Claim Shukrans after purchase, if unclaimed.
Redeem online and in-store
Shukran Details
Earn benefits when you shop
Provide the store cashier with either your Shukran account’s phone number or simply show the barcode in the ‘My account’ section of your app