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    Action figures and dolls for kids

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    Colourful toy scooters for toddlers


    Our selection of baby toys and toddler toys are bright with rounded edges and lead-free colour, to offer your little one an entertaining and absorbing experience.

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    Colourful alphabet board and other learning toys


    Playtime is the best time to learn!,
    Get puzzle mats, science mats,
    learning games, craft sets and other
    toys for 2 year olds and older kids to
    develop their intelligence.

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    Generation doll collection for girls


    Take her to a world of make-believe with dolls, rag dolls, baby dolls & more. Get dress sets, doll playsets and leave her to it!

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    Trendy blue tricycle for young children

    Outdoor Play

    These are the toys you need to lure,
    your kids outdoors for exercise and
    fresh air. Think bikes, scooters,
    colourful balls, racquet game sets
    and a whole lot more.

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    Cross country motorcycle toy


    Now find really cool toys at really
    cool prices. These toys will provide
    them stimulation without stretching
    your wallet.

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